Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Response: Prototype Presentation

On Tuesday, my design group presented our prototypes for Better Cook to our publishing team. It's so cool how three people can be given the same mission statement and the same goals of the magazine's image and create completely different magazines. We all had completely different color palettes, and I loved seeing how everyone else envisioned the magazine.

I'm really excited working with my publishing team and the other designers to create this magazine. I think everyone has something different to bring to the table. All 3 of us designers have different ideas and styles that I think will really work well together and help us all be able to create a really quality magazine, and help us expand our design knowledge and experience individually.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, our groups prototypes had pretty different personalities too! How did your group like your cover. I LOVED it in class. I thought your logo was perfect.
