Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Can't Miss: The Gentlewoman Magazine

While browsing through magCulture blog, I came across The Gentlewoman Magazine. It is a magazine from London and I went to its website and looked at some of their spreads and they're beautiful!

What first caught my eye was the logo:

And the cover:

So simple. So beautiful.

The content is a lot of features on different types of women. Such as...

I just think it's so pretty, especially the script font of the names.

Check the rest of it out here!

1 comment:

  1. That logo is very eye-catching. It almost reminds me of a city skyline, so that's very interesting. It leads me to wonder what the thought process was in designing the logo. I can't say that I love the cover, because it looks more like the cover of a book to me, but I do again love the feature spreads. I don't know if the yellow-tinted pages are actually how they were designed, but I hope so because I think it adds a nice effect when mixed with the script font names.
