Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Response: Better Cook experience

So we've all been working diligently on designing our magazines, getting ready to present the first draft to our publishing team on Thursday. Yesterday we got to see all the other groups' first drafts and it was really great seeing everyone's ideas. Since we've been working on a food magazine, it was interesting seeing the other group's food magazine ideas. Each group handled their magazines so differently yet we all have such similar content.

I've really had a lot of fun designing these magazine prototypes since it's very "real world experience" (from what I imagine). What has been difficult about the experience is all of the little details matching up with the rest of my design team. It's the little things like whether or not we're changing tablespoon to tbsp or if we're bolding the ingredients or if we're using the thin font or the light font. It makes me realize how important communication is! I'm lucky I've been put with the designers on my team because we really work well together and have similar style.

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