Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Where in the world did this semester go?! It's crazy to think I'm almost done with 4 fast years of college. So cliche, but it seems like just yesterday we were getting  our first assignment. We were SO stressed out because we had our Roll On stuff due and then Spring Preview due a week later, and now I feel like I could do it all in just a couple of days. Oh how we've all improved!

After reading Krista's blog, in honor of the semester coming to a close, she posted her first design assignment from this class. So I decided to do the same.. even though it's (very, drastically far from) my best work.

And to think I agonized over this for hours!

Critique: Logo, Book Cover and more!

Can't believe this semester is almost over. Only one week left! So many little things left to get done while still trying to enjoy my last week of living in Columbia... ever! Yesterday in class we looked at everyone's online portfolios. I finished most of mine last week, but got to hear everyones comments on my final version. Everyone liked it for the most part, but I appreciated all of the help I received, especially from Theresa and Jan. I changed the logo after hearing everyone's opinions on it. I took out "designs" in the middle of the green circle because "designs by blair elizabeth weaver" was right under it and it seemed a little bit repetitive. So here's my new logo!

I never noticed the "designs" in there twice but once it was pointed out it looks much better without it. Some people also said it was hard to read. 

We've also been working on our book covers, and our final version is due tomorrow. I didn't make too many changes, but here's my final book cover:

I'm really happy with how it turned out. We turn it in to the book publishing company tomorrow and the winner gets their cover published! Fingers crossed...

So once I finished my portfolio, I posted the link to my Facebook for all of my "friends" to check it out. I loved getting all the positive feedback, but now everyone wants me to help with their design-related stuff they need done. So I've done my fair share of resumes, a couple logos for some friends as well as a certificate template for my sorority's senior superlative banquet on Sunday.

Here's some logos I made for my roommate Tiffany (Tiffany Dawn Chevins.. hence the initials).

As well as the certificate.

Good thing I enjoy this stuff!